Ethiopian Amharic Books Free Download
Ethiopian Grade 10 Amharic Textbook For Students Download PDF: It is a Mother Tongue of Ethiopian People. In schools, the Amharic subject treated as a second language. The book consists of 10 units and at the end of each unit, it has review excesses and question answers session.

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Education has designed this textbook according to the new educational framework. According to the Curriculum Framework for Ethiopian Education after completing the Grade 10 Amharic Textbook students will be able to go further education.

Free Amharic books: You can search through thousands of Amharic books covering all aspects of Ethiopian life and beyond. Amharic book categories such as Amharic Biography Books, Amharic History Books, Amharic Fiction Books, Amharic Reference Books, Amharic Audio Books, Amharic Teacher Aids Books, Amharic Children Books, Amharic Tracts Books, Amharic Marriage and Family Books, Amharic. Ethiopian Orthodox.
Ethiopian Grade 10 Amharic Student Textbook
Based on the current education policy, primary education is given in the mother tongue for all nations and nationalities. Amharic is also taught as a second language to all students for whom it is not their mother tongue.
Amharic as a federal working language: Amharic as a federal language continues to be offered as a subject from Grade 9 to Grade 12. The distinctions between Amharic as a mother tongue and Amharic as a federal working language ceases to exist. All students will be obliged to take Amharic as a federal working language in Grades 9 and 10. The federal working language is elective for Grades 11 and 12 students.
Download Ethiopian Grade 10 Amharic Textbook [PDF]
In general, this subject comes under the Elective Course 10. Mother Tongue/Nationality Language or Amharic in Grade 10. You download the Amharic Textbook in PDF file from the link below.
Ethiopian Amharic Books Download Pdf
Country | Ethiopia |
Publisher | MoE, Ethiopia |
Class | Grade 10 |
Subject | Grade 10 Amharic |
Type | TextBook |
Group | General System |
Total Units | 10 |
Total Pages | 151 |
TextBook Version | 1.0 |
Download Link |
Ethiopian Amharic Books Free Downloads
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List all books. As a whole, books written in the Geez language and on parchment are numerous. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church has 46 books of the Old Testament and 35 books of the New Testament that will bring the total of canonized books of the Bible to 81. These are the following. A. The Holy Books of the Old Testament. 1. Genesis 2. Exodus 3 ...
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