Scripts For Samp Server

Server NamePlayersMapIP:Port
FZ Roleplay [S1] Rol en espa?ol838/900San Andreas192.99.185.83:7777
FZ Roleplay [S1] Rol en espa?ol838/900San Andreas192.99.185.94:7777
FZ Roleplay [S1] Rol en espa?ol835/900San Andreas66.70.203.214:7777
FZ Roleplay [S1] Rol en espa?ol835/900San Andreas66.70.203.215:7777
FZ Roleplay [S1] Rol en espa?ol835/900San Andreas192.99.185.80:7777
FZ Roleplay [S1] Rol en espa?ol835/900San Andreas192.99.185.88:7777
FZ Roleplay [S1] Rol en espa?ol826/900San Andreas192.99.185.81:7777
FZ Roleplay [S1] Rol en espa?ol826/900San Andreas192.99.185.92:7777
Brasil Mobile Roleplay #PiveteGames820/1000San Andreas149.56.93.11:7777
Brasil Mobile Roleplay #PiveteGames802/1000San Andreas192.99.175.2:7777
FZ Roleplay [S4] Rol en espa?ol657/800San Andreas149.56.126.127:7777
FZ Roleplay [S4] Rol en espa?ol657/800San Andreas149.56.126.102:7777
FZ Roleplay [S4] Rol en espa?ol656/800San Andreas158.69.175.162:7777
[BS] Balkan School www.balkan-school.com596/995BS Republic37.230.137.174:7778
FZ Roleplay [S2] Rol en espa?ol517/850San Andreas192.99.185.99:7777
RRP ????? ???? ?? ?? ???, ?????? ? ???498/50.::State Ribina::.
PlayVicio RP[vRED] #PivetesGames!478/900San Andreas144.217.178.56:7777
Àáñîëþò Ðîëå Ïëåé Ïëàòèíóì SA-MP.RU462/1000Russia/RP/RPG/RolePlay185.71.66.95:7771
GTA Torcidas - Mega Evento dia 17/12.433/998San Andreas189.127.164.100:2009
B-Zone: RPG Server 1 Advent Calendar, Quest430/1000LS-LV-SF193.203.39.13:7777
Brasil Real Life [RP]422/700San Andreas158.69.51.97:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português418/800SA - BR/PT54.39.193.0:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português418/800SA - BR/PT158.69.148.101:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português418/800SA - BR/PT158.69.148.100:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português418/800SA - BR/PT167.114.73.114:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português418/800SA - BR/PT167.114.73.122:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português418/800SA - BR/PT167.114.73.110:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português418/800SA - BR/PT158.69.16.6:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português418/800SA - BR/PT167.114.73.109:7777
FZ Roleplay [BR] Rol em português416/800SA - BR/PT54.39.193.1:7777
Server NamePlayersMapIP:Port

Free SAMP Servers › SAMP Scripts › Filterscripts. Clan System GTA SA:MP (Pages: 1 2) brian001. 14: 6,988: 0 Vote(s) - 0 out of 5 in Average;, 04:51 AM. SA:MP adalah modifikasi GTA San Andreas biar bisa online dan main bersama orang-orang di dunia. Dalam pembuatan server, SA:MP menggunakan bahasa programming PAWN yang dibuat oleh perusahaan Belanda bernama CompuPhase di tahun 1998. SA:MP sendiri sudah memasuki versi 0.3c. SACNR SA:MP Monitor - The best Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer server monitor!

Mini-Missions is a SA-MP based server for GTA San Andreas running since 2008. With ups and downs the server is still recovering and growing as we speak! Currently we have over 300 different missions based on multiple gamemodes, which are; Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Last Man Standing, Race, Parkour, Zombie Survival, Derby & Bombing, along with several other unique gamemodes.

Scripts For Samp Server

The server is originally founded by MID back in 2008. After 2 seasons (s1, s2) of the original MM, a remake has been created by Redirect_Left as Son of Mini-Missions (soMM) in 2009. After both versies died in 2010, the server is being recreated in 2011 by FuTuRe along with MID’s permission as Mini-Missions: FTW v1 (For the Win). The server started out small, with a limited script, but has been upgraded ever since. /split-second-game-serial-key-free-download.html. During 2012 the server has seen its playerbase growing bigger each day, and more and more quality missions have been made.


Halfway 2014 however FuTuRe decided to give the server towards Vince0789, co-owner at the time due to losing interest, however he returned back in 2015 working on another new version of Mini-Missions which came online not much later. 2016 has been a difficult year for the server with shifts to a new owner twice. Kylesmith has stepped in as a new owner while FuTuRe resigned for good, to have the server be passed on to Beremix several months later. In September 2019, the server was passsed once again to Redirect Left for a short stine.

Samp Servers English

And finally, in July 2020, the server was passed over to a brand new set of owners keen to make an impact. Download j2me games for android. aQuaNight, King_Bert and Sasuke_Uchiha with the help of Swift acquired the server with the intent of splitting workload, making the server fun and using the knowledge of being active players with a helpful admin team to make it the best it could be. With this came the anticipation of brand new version 14, and the future looks bright!